FindBugs Test Utility

FindBugs Test Utility

Utility that could be reuse for FindBugs plugin development. Include: - Loading of the plugin. - Hamcrest Matcher to do make precise assertion

Test निर्भरता (6)

समूह / विरूपण साक्ष्य संस्करण नए संस्करण
org.hamcrest » hamcrest-core 1.2.1 2.2
org.apache.commons » commons-io 1.3.2 ना
org.slf4j » slf4j-api 1.6.4 2.0.12
org.testng » testng 5.14.9 7.10.2
org.mockito » mockito-all 1.9.0 2.0.2-beta » findbugs 3.0.0 3.0.1