

<b>JCAPTCHA</b>, for <b>J</b>ava <b>C</b>ompletely <b>A</b>utomated <b>P</b>ublic <b>T</b>est to tell <b>C</b>omputers and <b>H</b>umans <b>A</b>part <br/>The open source java framework for captcha definition and integration <br/> A captcha is a simple captcha container that contains a question, a challenge, and a response validation routine.<BR/> A captcha can only be built by a captcha factory that provides methods to build localized captchas.<br/> This jar aims to provide interfaces and implementation of generic and typed captcha and captcha factories.<BR/> It uses the word generator, types sub packages (image and sound) components (word to image, word to sound) to build typed captchas captchas.

Compile निर्भरता (5)

समूह / विरूपण साक्ष्य संस्करण नए संस्करण
javax.servlet » servlet-api 2.3 3.0-alpha-1
com.jhlabs » imaging 01012005 ना
commons-logging » commons-logging 1.0.4 1.2
commons-collections » commons-collections 3.2 3.2.2
com.octo.captcha » jcaptcha-api 1.0 ना

Test निर्भरता (1)

समूह / विरूपण साक्ष्य संस्करण नए संस्करण
com.octo.captcha » jcaptcha-common-test 1.0 ना