Static Analysis Collector Plug-in

Static Analysis Collector Plug-in

This plug-in is an add-on for the plug-ins Checkstyle, Dry, FindBugs, PMD, Tasks, and Warnings: the plug-in collects the different analysis results and shows the results in a combined trend graph. Additionally, the plug-in provides health reporting and build stability based on these combined results.

Provided निर्भरता (2)

समूह / विरूपण साक्ष्य संस्करण नए संस्करण
javax.servlet » servlet-api 2.4 3.0-alpha-1
org.jvnet.hudson.main » hudson-core 1.358 2.2.1

Test निर्भरता (5)

समूह / विरूपण साक्ष्य संस्करण नए संस्करण
org.jvnet.hudson.main » hudson-test-harness 1.358 1.395
org.mockito » mockito-all 1.8.4 2.0.2-beta
junit » junit 4.8.1 4.13.2
org.jvnet.hudson.main » hudson-war 1.358 2.2.1
org.jvnet.hudson.main » ui-samples-plugin 1.358 1.395