Units of Measurement Implementation for Java SE

Units of Measurement Implementation for Java SE

Units of Measurement Implementation for Java SE - JDK Integration of Unit-API / JSR 363

संस्करण भंडार Usages तारीख
1.0.x 1.0.10 central अप्रैल 15, 2019
1.0.9 central मार्च 05, 2018
1.0.8 central जुल॰ 18, 2017
1.0.7 central जून 07, 2017
1.0.6 central मई 27, 2017
1.0.5 central अप्रैल 04, 2017
1.0.4 central फ़र॰ 27, 2017
1.0.3 central जन॰ 22, 2017
1.0.2 central नव॰ 25, 2016
1.0.1 central अक्तू॰ 18, 2016
1.0 central सित॰ 01, 2016
0.9.x 0.9 central जुल॰ 02, 2016
0.8.x 0.8 central नव॰ 15, 2015
0.8-RC1 central जुल॰ 22, 2015
0.7.x 0.7 central मार्च 23, 2015