Units of Measurement Reference Implementation

Units of Measurement Reference Implementation

Unit Standard (JSR 385) Reference Implementation.

संस्करण भंडार Usages तारीख
2.1.x 2.1.3 central सित॰ 13, 2022
2.1.2 central फ़र॰ 21, 2021
2.1.1 central नव॰ 21, 2020
2.1 central नव॰ 16, 2020
2.1.4 central
2.0.x 2.0.2 central जन॰ 12, 2020
2.0.1 central अग॰ 21, 2019
2.0 central जुल॰ 07, 2019
2.0-EDR central अग॰ 18, 2018
1.3.x 1.3 central अप्रैल 15, 2019
1.2.x 1.2 central अप्रैल 27, 2018
1.1.x 1.1 central मार्च 17, 2018